Indie Head Massage
What is Indie Head Massage?
The Indian Head Massage is based on the traditional Ayurvedic healing system created in India, more than 500 years ago. The head, is the centre of our nervous system and home to our identity and intelligence. The Chakra at the top of our head, the Crown Chakra, is our communication and allows us to speak with our higher self, and represents who we are.
Indie Head Massage has a balancing impact on the neurological system and aids in the release of stress and tension, resulting in a feeling of well-being.
It alsostimulates the nerves from the head area. This helps you to relax which, in turn, improves mental and physical health. It also increases circulation, exfoliates the scalp and nourishes the hair.
Energize your mind and allow tension to slip away.
It is both a therapeutic and beauty treatment with many wonderful benefits.
Benefits of Indie Head Massage include...
Renews and balances energy levels by working with the three higher chakras
Detoxifies the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage
Improving Tension Headaches
Sinus Symptoms
Reduces stress and promotes ultimate relaxation
Enhances the body's own self-healing mechanisms
Supports immune system function
Restores overall energy and vitality
Promotes a more restful sleeping pattern

What to expect during an Indie Head Massage session
Using warmed coconut oil, infused with essential oils, this healing treatment begins with you face down on the massage table. You will remove clothing only from the waist up, treatments are performed fully covered with sheets/blankets, on a treatment table, only exposing the upper back/neck and arms.
Once under the blankets, I will begin with a therapeutic soft tissue manipulation massaging your upper back and shoulders, working to remove any knots or tension using pressure points and gliding techniques to encourage relaxation. Then I will focus on your neck muscles and the back of your scalp to relax your entire head and encourage circulation.
Turning over onto your back, a soothing upper arm massage, followed with a gentle and relaxing facial massage helps with deeper relaxation and improves sinus congestion and headaches. Finishing off with the top of the head to complete this relaxing self-care treatment.
What to expect after an Indie Head Massage session
Please bring a hair band, clip, brush or hat.
Although you will FEEL amazing after the massage, you likely won’t look amazing!
So don’t plan on going out anywhere right after the massage.
Your hair will be an absolute mess and likely look as if you’ve left conditioner in it for a week without rinsing.
FYI your hair WILL feel/be super soft the next day from the coconut oil treatment.
Please come with a fresh face (no makeup) and all jewelry off - including earrings.
Three of the major Chakras or energy centres are located in the head; the Crown, Brow (3rd Eye) and Throat.
Indie head massage helps to balance and stimulate these vital energy centres, promoting a sense of well-being, relaxation and positive energy.
With this, you might feel light-headed or have a slight headache as the energy is rebalancing and realigning.
Please plan to rest and relax after your session, drinking lots of water and proper nutrition.
It is all about listening to your body's knowledge for healing.
Chose which length of treatment works for you!
90 min IHM
60 min IHM
30 min IHM

In this 90 min session, we focus on the traditional holistic healing of Indie Head Massage.
Focusing on the back, shoulders, neck, upper arms, face and scalp.
You will leave this treatment feeling like you're walking on cloud 9!
(non RMT)

In this 60 min session, we focus on the traditional holistic healing of Indie Head Massage.
Focusing on the back, shoulders, neck, and scalp.
You will leave this treatment feeling like you're walking on cloud 9!
(non RMT)

In this 30 minute top-up session,
we focus on the scalp, neck and tops of the shoulders.
This stimulates the nerves and offers relaxation, improves mental and physical health and also increases circulation, ads in stress and headache prevention and exfoliates the scalp and nourishes the hair.
(non RMT)