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13 Card Spread to Welcome the New Year | Tarot/Oracle Card Pull/Reading | Yogatation

Every year on the first of January, I like to reflect on the previous year. Reflecting on my accomplishments and achievements and what is to come. I also like to complete a New Year card pull or spread.

Any Tarot or Oracle deck will do. My favourite, at the moment and I've been using it for a while now, is this one from Rebecca Campbell. It's her WORK YOUR LIGHT ORACLE CARDS. These cards are so beautiful and include a guidebook with the meaning if you wish to dive deeper.

Ok, so here we go! Below you will find the steps that I take to do the 13 Card Spread.

Grab your favourite Tarot/Oracle deck & a journal. Find a quiet space to sit & reflect. Take a moment to clear your mind, settle into yourself, and focus on your breath. Take a few minutes to reflect on the past year, all that you have accomplished, all that you desire and all that you wish to manifest.

When you are ready, open your eyes, shuffle the cards, and spread them out in front of you. Rub your hands together, creating heat and activating your hand chakras. Placing your right hand over your heart chakra, hover your left hand over the card spread. Feeling the subtle energy in your palm. Listen to your embodied intuition and pull a card.

You will pull 12 cards, each will represent one of the 12 months of the year, with the first card representing January, and so on. Once you have all 12 cards pulled, lay them in a circle keeping them in chronological order. Then, repeat the process one last time, picking the 13th card to represent the overall theme for the New Year.

Take a moment to sit with, feel and contemplate the chosen card for each month. Grab your journal and write down the month's name and the coinciding card title. On the next lines write what this card represents to you, what feels most alive, your intentions and goals for that month, and how this theme supports you.

Once you have finished the 12 cards for the year, please take a look at the 13th card. Your theme card. Write the Theme card and the title of this card. Journal and reflect on this card. What is being called to the surface when you look at it? Does it hit home? Relate to your dreams, goals and vision for the New Year?

Want to go deeper? Grab the guidebook for deeper insight into each card or the ones that you need more clarification for. As you gather more information, you might be called to journal more, noting the feelings that are coming to the surface.

You now have a snapshot of the year ahead, close your eyes and place your hands over your heart. Take a few deep breaths. Say "thank you" you yourself for showing up. Thank your intuition for guiding you and the challenges that have shaped you, thus far. You are worthy of all your dreams and goals.

At the end of each month, reflect and review what was forecast for that month. Make any notes as to the outcome. Come back to your journal at the beginning of each month to read and reflect on the theme for that month. Allow this to be a guide for what is to come. Read the guidebook for that card again, if need be.

Photo Credit: pexels-danielle-rangel-3363674

How does this spread fit in with your vision for the New Year? I would love to see pictures of your cards, hear more about your readings, and see how this simple spread can help you define what you want for yourself this year.

Happy Magical New Year!

Love & Light,


*Disclaimer: This Disclaimer forms a binding agreement between you and Chantal Croucher also known as Yogatation, a Sole Proprietorship operating out of Ontario, Canada. In continuing to watch this video, read this blog and practicing yoga with me, you release me from any liability related to any injuries or issues which may arise from the risks of practicing yoga through this video. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS IN PARTICIPATING IN THIS YOGA CLASS. These videos and blogs are posted for educational and informational purposes only and are not tailored to you specifically in any way. Please ensure you are practicing in a safe space and consult a medical professional before your practice. Lastly, please note that the techniques and approaches to yoga contained in these videos are simply my teachings and I make no representations about their efficacy nor do I promise any results.

Namaste and enjoy the practice.


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