I practiced the same yoga flow and the same sequence for 1 week. For 7 days, I unrolled my mat, stepped on it and moved through the poses. Breathing, turning inwards and listening to my body.
And here’s what I learned.

Some days I found the nice slow flow pace to be soothing and calming.
Some days I found the same nice slow flow pace to feel like a power yoga flow – hard, stressful, and not calming.
Why would this be? What changed?
I did. I changed.
Every day, I am a new person. Every time I come to my mat; I am not the same Human I was the last time.
I speak to this in my classes a lot because I see far too often, a student gets frustrated with themselves because their practice is off, their balance is all over the place and they can’t find their flow.
We are Humans.
Some days our mental health is off.
Some days we are more stressed than others.
Some days we don’t get the proper amount of sleep that our bodies need.
Did you drink more coffee than water?
How’s your nutrition?
For Humans that bleed, where are you in your cycle?
Where is the Moon in the sky and which retrograde are we in? LOL
Ok, but really, every time you come to your mat, it is a new experience.
We do not compare yoga with fitness or flexibility at Yogatation, rather we see yoga as a life-long path that offers learning, healing and self-discovery. Yoga is not just a physical practice, but also an emotional and spiritual one. It helps us to find balance in our lives, to connect with ourselves and with nature, and to find a greater sense of inner peace.
So, when you step onto your mat, step with grace, love and compassion, meeting yourself where you are in this present moment because that is all we have, the present moment.
Be here now.
PS: For those who don’t know, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and took a deep dive into the wonderful world of Ayurveda this year. I am taking a year-long course to become an Ayurveda Wellness Coach and will begin to introduce you to this world of magical goodness through the next days/weeks/months of this year! As I’ve always said –
Heal Yourself from the Inside Out is about having the right tools in your tool-kit! And this is what Ayurveda is all about.
So, Kula, thank you for being on this crazy ride with me and I hope you stick around because I’m fired up and ready to pour love and compassion all over you!
Love & Light,
Tal xo
*Disclaimer: This Disclaimer forms a binding agreement between you and Chantal Croucher also known as Yogatation, a Sole Proprietorship operating out of Ontario, Canada. In continuing to watch this video, read this blog and practicing yoga with me, you release me from any liability related to any injuries or issues which may arise from the risks of practicing yoga through this video. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS IN PARTICIPATING IN THIS YOGA CLASS. These videos and blogs are posted for educational and informational purposes only and are not tailored to you specifically in any way. Please ensure you are practicing in a safe space and consult a medical professional before your practice. Lastly, please note that the techniques and approaches to yoga contained in these videos are simply my teachings and I make no representations about their efficacy nor do I promise any results.
Namaste and enjoy the practice.